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- From: kring@physik.uni-kl.de (Thomas Kettenring)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: Brian again rationalizes Appealing to agreeable Authority
- Followup-To: sci.skeptic
- Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 18:12:50 MET
- Organization: FB Physik, Universitaet Kaiserslautern
- Lines: 35
- Sender: kring@pamuk.physik.uni-kl.de (Thomas Kettenring)
- Message-ID: <1996Jun25.181250@pamuk.physik.uni-kl.de>
- References: <31981E06.DEE@skn.net> <4nf6qf$nff@zot.io.org> <319BADC7.4750@students.wisc.edu> <4ng7nr$92l@fcnews.fc.hp.com> <319BD901.2F2C@students.wisc.edu> <4ngjf3$d2g@fcnews.fc.hp.com> <319CD7DF.27BC@students.wisc.edu> <4nijrj$378@fcnews.fc.hp.com> <319D156E.358A@students.wisc.edu> <4nj5hm$70d@fcnews.fc.hp.com> <319D9461.76AB@students.wisc.edu> <pbstudge-1905960942240001@cnc099052.concentric.net> <31A007AD.167D@students.wisc.edu> <1996May30.191456@pamuk.physik.uni-kl.de> <31AF3CFE.597A@students.wisc.edu> <1996Jun11.204000@pamuk.physik.uni-kl.de> <31BE9B8E.10C@students.wisc.edu> <31bf6e7d.5414836@nntp.ix.netcom.com> <31C0756A.77A8@fc.hp.com> <31C0AE5C.72BE@students.wisc.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pamuk.physik.uni-kl.de
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:89593 alt.paranet.ufo:54492 alt.alien.research:26770 sci.skeptic:74273
- I set Followup-To: sci.skeptic. Resume crossposting at your own risk.
- In article <31C0AE5C.72BE@students.wisc.edu>, Brian Zeiler <bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu> writes:
- }However, your point is absurd and totally irrelevant. The scientists
- }whose conclusions I cite regarding radar-visual cases did in fact give
- }explanations -- very, very detailed explanations. Furthermore, these
- }explanations have never been refuted by any scientist on this planet.
- }The only counterpoints have been silly examples of logical trickery, such
- }as strawman arguments that "there could still be a mistake in the
- }analysis"
- Stop right here. That argument has AFAIK never been used against the
- scientists' actual points, only against your distortions of them.
- Scientists use to put such caveats into their results if the results
- are hard to swallow. It's standard procedure. You, on the other hand,
- drop all these ifs and whens, and talk as if there were 100% certainty.
- All we do is pull you back to the floor.
- }or "this is all just anecdotal" or "it doesn't prove aliens are
- }flying around".
- When you claim it does prove it, one has to correct you, right?
- [blah]
- }Now get back to work. I don't think the Hewlett-Packard shareholders
- }would take kindly to your daily decimation of shareholder value by
- }arguing about UFOs all day.
- Trying to silence your opponents by threats? Disgusting creep!
- --
- thomas kettenring, 3 dan, kaiserslautern, germany
- Get_Rich_Through_Internet Scheme No. 432: Read News, identify the most
- gullible people of the net, and gull them.